The Divas’ Lounge A Powerful Start-up
for your Soul

A place to get inspired, share and learn in a safe environment.

Next group starts on April 30th 2018.

Contact me to Enrol

Every woman needs a story that connects her to her greatness.
Every woman has a story to share about her unique path in life.
Our lives are defined by the stories we hear and the ones we tell ourselves.

Every change begins with a story.

Are you looking for a community of like-minded woman in which you can safely share your thoughts and process what’s happening in your life?

Join our online community, where a small group of soul sisters meet bi-monthly to share and connect to their deeper wisdom. Divas’ Lounge is a guided three-month program that provides a space for new possibility that emerges from group inspiration and support.


We’ll use the power and symbolism of Astrology to guide us in this creative process. New and full moons are important gateways of new insight and possibility. They can reveal hidden potentials of manifestation according to the different energies that are triggered monthly. You’ll be able to grow different perceptions of who you are and build a fresh reality based on a new sense of empowerment and clarity.

Feeling stuck and out of touch with your intuitive self?

At each meeting, we’ll explore different areas of life, including relationships, self-care, motivation, connection, mindfulness, and more. We’ll use Astro-cycles information, do group activities like meditation, creative visualization, and On-The-Rise coaching exercises. We’ll play, we’ll share and we’ll step into a space of nurturing spirituality. We’ll have heartfelt conversations and move gently and progressively so that you can access areas of new insight at your own pace.

The Divas’ Lounge is your space to feel safe, supported and inspired.

It’s the place where kind, loving and supportive sisters meet.

Can’t wait to see you down the path 🙂
