Over 20 Years Ago
in Rio de Janeiro

My story starts over 20 years ago in Rio de Janeiro, with my father inviting me to attend an astrology class. Some find it funny that my dad and I studied astrology together, but that was our lifestyle. He was an excellent physician, a philosopher, and a man well ahead of his time.

My father introduced me to an array of interesting subjects, such as spirituality, human consciousness, and life’s wisdom. He was not a typical dad, I was not a typical daughter, and we did not live a typical life.

There’s a unique beauty in being different, which I effortlessly embrace in my daily life. Under the influence of my dad’s brilliant mind and compassionate heart, I developed a passion for understanding how people operate and transform.

From Law School
to the World

Sometimes we must travel a great distance—inward or outward—to reconnect with our fundamental selves. My journey started in law school, at a prestigious university in Brazil. Shortly after graduation, my life took a sharp turn.

Moved by the desire to immerse myself in the wisdom of different cultures, as well as a calling to help people, I began traveling the world. I visited India, Egypt, Israel, Cyprus, Thailand, and parts of Europe. In these places, I sat with sages and learned from enlightened masters.

The underlying synchronicity of these experiences was my desire to find ways to communicate the great teachings that I received in the simplest, most effective way possible.

for a Life With Meaning

Over the years I have become certified in various healing and self-development techniques. I have combined them into a unique blend of skills to support you discover ways to unlock your hidden gifts and unexpressed talents.

My work in one-on-one sessions, group coaching, and teaching is inspired by the concepts of self-exploration, empowerment, spirituality and fun! When we change our self-perception, our ideas about the world around us change as well. I’m committed to helping my clients find clarity, peace, and purpose as they embrace their true selves.

In my spare time, I enjoy going for morning walks in New York City’s beautiful parks with my Brazilian dog, Mr. Zen. I get some of my best ideas and insights during our walks, as I breathe the fresh air and move my body in connection with nature. I also make sure to spend time nurturing meaningful relationships, dancing, practicing yoga, and meditating.

My mission is to provide a safe place, where you’ll be seen as an individual, find your unique voice and thrive!

Drops of Light, my free video series, was created with the intention to provide inspiration in small doses. The series is about shedding light on some of our common struggles. I like to call it bliss in action.

Imagine a mix of heartfelt stories—like Chicken Soup for the Soul—combined with humor, reflections, and practical tools to help you navigate your everyday life.

I am also excited about the great conversations happening at Wisdom Chats, where heart-centered, progressive teachers share their view on how to transform our conventional reality into an everyday calling for more joy and fulfillment. Check them out, if you haven’t yet. I hope you’ll love them!

There’s a wave of creative individuals around the world who are ready to access their truth and live lives filled with meaning and a connection with a higher wisdom. As Joseph Campbell says, “We’re searching for the experience of being alive,” and I couldn’t agree with him more!

Feel called to join this wave? Reach out me, and I’ll help take you there.

In love,

PS: To learn more about my formal bio, please click here.